Automotive Engineering Research Thesis Topics
Research constitutes an integral part of the masters or doctorate programme of any student pursuing a degree in automotive. However, research can be a real dilemma for a great number of students as they struggle to find a relevant automotive research thesis topic that suits their research interests as well as capabilities. We are renowned for our top –notch services in providing students with comprehensive help in getting them through the various stages in the research process and thus ensure a successful completion of your degree in automotive. If your research is stuck because of that, we assure you of relieving all your concerns by offering a range of pertinent master education thesis topics in automotive engineering to get you started.
Choosing a research topic represents the first and unarguably the most important step in the research process as it will ultimately determine the direction and thus the success of your entire degree programme. Second in importance to a research topic is the research title as it is the very first thing that gets noticed by mentors and research guides and sets the tone for the rest of the research. You can be completely assured that our market professionals will devise the best title for thesis about automotive that’ s compelling , attractive and best captures your research ideas.

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Automotive engineering research topics
For the convenience of our students, we will be pointing out a number of topics for students to guide them in their automotive engineering research. The topics will cover a broad range of fields that are part of the automotive engineering program so that students are not limited in their choice of automotive engineering research topics for their thesis samples.
In addition, we will also present relevant PhD thesis topics in automotive engineering to cater to students enrolled in doctorates. These automotive thesis topics have been prepared by our PhD qualified experts who have broad experience in dealing with doctorate level students and can thus be immensely beneficial for students undertaking the doctorate degree.

Below is a list of some of the latest master’s thesis topics in automotive engineering that are available online.
Aim and objectives
The overall aim of the research is to assess the relative performance and advantages of these two types of brake .
- Identifying the key differences between EHB and hydraulic brake systems, including their respective components and operating principles.
- Evaluating the performance of EHB and hydraulic brake systems under various conditions, such as braking distance, brake fade, and pedal feel.
- Assessing the reliability and durability of EHB and hydraulic brake systems, including factors such as maintenance requirements and component lifespan.
- Comparing the costs of EHB and hydraulic brake systems, including initial purchase price and ongoing maintenance expenses.
- Investigating the potential environmental impacts of EHB and hydraulic brake systems, including emissions and resource consumption
Aim and objectives
The aim of the research is to conduct an in-depth analysis of a specific example of a new machine design for an electric hybrid vehicle, with the aim of understanding the design principles and features that contribute to improved efficacy.
- Identifying and describing the key components and features of the novel machine design.
- Analyzing the performance and efficacy of the design, including factors such as energy efficiency, power output, and emissions.
- Comparing the novel machine design to other designs for electric hybrid vehicles, in order to understand its strengths and weaknesses.
- Examining the challenges and limitations faced by the designers in developing the machine, and how they were addressed.
- Drawing conclusions about the effectiveness and potential impact of the novel machine design, and identifying any potential areas for further improvement or refinement.
Aim and objectives
The research aims to examine how analysis of real-time data through AI can contribute to effective traffic management and control.
- To evaluate how Al can help deal with the bottlenecks in traffic by optimizing traffic flows and thus reducing travel delay times and congestion.
- To examine how Al can be used to leverage data related to different transportation types to mitigate safety risks and thus improve road safety.
- To evaluate the efficiency of AI systems in detecting threats and make assessments regarding traffic control.
- To examine the role of learning based traffic algorithms in predicting the probability of vehicular collisions and thus preventing collisions.
Aim and objectives
The study aims to identify factors that enable VVT-I and VTEC to contribute to the volumetric efficiencies of automobile engines and improve their fuel efficiency.
- Examine the technical specifications of both engines and compare different types of VTEC and VVT- 1 , including cost factors involved in their constructions.
- Analyze how both engines contribute to the speed of the vehicle as well as their environmental impact.
- Assess differences in the application of forced induction and rotary engine approach in development of VTEC and implications of VTEC in other vehicles.
- Optimization of vehicle structures under uncertainties using simulation –based design.
Aim and objectives
Magneto rheological dampers utilize MR fluids instead of hydraulic oil whose viscosity changes varies with magnetic field and can thus actively change their damping abilities to suit driving style and road conditions. The study therefore aims to conduct a performance analysis of magneto rheological dampers and conventional shock and spring dampers.
- Examination of the differences in construction and design of the two dampers and analyze the efficacy of both dampers on vehicle suspension.
- Evaluate the use of semi-active intelligent control in determining optimal control forces for MR dampers.
- Utilize numerical models to assess the effectiveness of various types of MR damper and their impact on the speed and safety of cars.
Aim and objectives
Formula one racing cars are distinguished for their use of kinetic energy recovery systems that help automobiles recover the kinetic energy and lost momentum after applying brakes . The study therefore seeks to explore how kinetic energy recovery system can be incorporated in normal cars and its implications for their performance.
- To review the evolution of KERS in formula one racing cars and the impact it has on the car’s superior performance
- To investigate the relevance of KERS for road car applications and review case studies to demonstrate successful implementation of KERS in normal cars.
- To evaluate the mechanisms behind KERS that boost acceleration in formula one cars along with the system’s limitation and failure points.
- Conduct a balanced assessment of the potential benefits and costs involved in adopting KERS as well as challenges in incorporating KERS in normal cars.
Aim and objectives
The air bags function to provide additional protection to passengers and mitigate the effects of any hazardous or fatal accident. The aim of the study is to identify the factors that make an air bag resilient to shocks and strategies related to placement of safety bags that afford maximum protection.
- Identifying the factors that affect the performance of airbags during a collision, such as the speed and severity of the impact, the position of the airbag, and the size and shape of the vehicle.
- Developing new designs or materials for airbags that improve their performance, such as more advanced inflators, more efficient deployment mechanisms, or more effective cushioning materials.
- Evaluating the performance of different airbag designs using computer simulations or physical testing.
- Investigating the potential costs and benefits of different airbag designs, including the initial purchase price and the cost of maintenance and replacement.
- Examining the safety implications of different airbag designs, including the potential for unintended consequences or negative impacts on vehicle occupants.
Aim and objectives
Using nitrogen gas instead of ordinary air in car tires is a topic that has received some attention in the automotive industry, as it is believed that nitrogen can improve the performance and longevity of tires. The research aims to discover use of nitrogen as an alternative to ordinary tyre and its impact on extending tire expectancy.
Investigating the scientific basis for the claimed benefits of using nitrogen in car tires, such as its stability and ability to resist temperature changes.
- Evaluating the actual impact of using nitrogen on the performance and lifespan of car tires, including factors such as tread wear, handling, and fuel efficiency.
- Comparing the costs and benefits of using nitrogen in car tires, including the cost of filling tires with nitrogen and the potential cost savings from extended tire life.
- Determining the feasibility and practicality of using nitrogen in car tires for different types of vehicles and driving conditions and its safety implications.
Aim and objectives
The aim of the research is to explore the use of RBDO in designing optimum vehicle designs.
- Identifying key factors that affect the reliability and performance of vehicles, such as load, temperature, and environmental conditions.
- Developing optimization algorithms for identifying optimal designs that meet specified reliability and performance requirements.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of RBDO in improving the reliability and performance of vehicles.
- Determining the practicality and cost-effectiveness of implementing RBDO in the design process for different types of vehicles.
Aim and objectives
The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of different night vision technologies in improving visibility and detecting potential hazards
- Assessing the impact of night vision technology on driver behavior and decision making.
- Evaluating the potential costs and benefits of installing night vision technology in different types of vehicles.
- Identifying any potential negative impacts or unintended consequences of using night vision technology, such as distraction or overreliance.
- Investigating the potential for integrating night vision technology with other safety systems, such as collision avoidance or adaptive cruise control.
Aim and objectives
The research aims to examine and explore processes and tools used to identify and address potential failure points in thesis structures
- Identifying the key challenges and limitations faced by the automotive industry in verifying and identifying hot spots in composite structures.
- Examining the various methods and tools used to verify the integrity of composite structures, such as non-destructive testing, finite element analysis, and physical testing.
- Evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of different verification methods and tools, including factors such as accuracy, speed, and cost.
- Investigating the potential for integrating different verification methods and tools into a cohesive industrial framework for composite structures.
- Determining the practicality and feasibility of implementing the proposed industrial framework in different types of automotive composite structures.
Aim and objectives
The aim of the research is to study the various ways in which computational techniques are used to validate the performance and reliability of these systems.
- Identifying the key types of computational verification methods used for automobile safety systems, such as simulation, model checking, or testing.
- Evaluating the effectiveness and accuracy of different computational verification methods in predicting the behavior of safety systems under different conditions.
- Comparing the costs and benefits of using computational verification methods, including factors such as speed, efficiency, and scalability.
- Investigating the potential limitations and challenges of using computational verification methods, such as the need for specialized training or the complexity of the models.
Aim and objectives
The research aims to discover new ways to coordinate the behavior of autonomous and manually-driven vehicles on the road, with the aim of improving safety and efficiency.
- Developing a new traffic control system that takes advantage of C-V2X technology to enable cooperative communication and coordination between autonomous and manually-driven vehicles.
- Evaluating the performance of the proposed traffic control system in terms of safety, efficiency, and reliability.
- Investigating the challenges and limitations of implementing the proposed traffic control system, including technical, regulatory, and social factors.
- Determining the potential for scaling up or adapting the proposed traffic control system for use in other transportation systems or applications.
Fault tolerant fractional slot Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Machine (PMSM) for vehicle application
Aim and objectives
The aim of the research is to identify the principles and techniques used to design and analyze PMSMs for use in electric or hybrid vehicles.
- Identifying the key design considerations for fault tolerant PMSMs, such as torque ripple, cogging torque, and thermal performance.
- Developing models or simulations of the behavior of fault tolerant PMSMs under different operating conditions.
- Evaluating the performance of fault tolerant PMSMs in terms of efficiency, power density, and fault tolerance.
- Comparing the costs and benefits of fault tolerant PMSMs to other types of electric machines, such as induction motors or switched reluctance motors.
- Investigating the challenges and limitations of designing and analyzing fault tolerant PMSMs, including factors such as manufacturing constraints, thermal management, and reliability.
Aim and objectives
It’s understandable that choosing a research topics can make students anxious and nervous but we are here to guide and help you in choosing the perfect topic in order to drastically improve your prospects of achieving a masters or PhD degree in automotive engineering. Following are a number of suggestions that can help you overcome your confusion and doubts in selecting the right topic for your masters or PhD thesis.
- While it is certainly ideal to have a novel idea for your research topic but there is nothing wrong in drawing upon the existing topics for your research. Research builds upon existing knowledge so even an existing MBA Thesis topic can be modified and adapted to explore gaps or limitations of earlier research.
- It is also important to ensure that the selected topic has sufficient secondary data from reliable sources so that you have all the relevant information to reinforce your research claims.