How to Write A Thesis Acknowledgement?
In this era, every human is dependent on each other. It seems like doing anything alone is always an impossible task. It is in a human psyche that the thought of being thesis acknowledgement is what motivates them to work – that too efficiently! With such a concept comes the idea of giving acknowledgment in your thesis.
It is considered rather professional at you if you give deserving acknowledgments in the thesis.
What is a thesis acknowledgment?
It is that section of your thesis where you acknowledge the efforts of those people who have helped you in your research. Acknowledgment is the smallest section of your thesis.
Just be grateful in this section – that’s the key!
Purpose of acknowledgement:
Generally, the purpose of acknowledgment is to support the sense of dependency on each other. Acknowledgments are an act of gratitude for all the people who have helped you in your search. If you neglect to include acknowledgments in your thesis, it would look highly unprofessional of you. By giving acknowledgments, the reader gets the idea about the strictness of conducting research. The standard word limit of a quality acknowledgment lies from 100 – 200 words.
Who can you thank in your acknowledgements?
Whenever you write a thesis acknowledgment, especially for a Ph.D. level, researchers are given a choice to thank whomever they want in their acknowledgments. A researcher can give professional and personal acknowledgments as well.
Professional acknowledgements:
In professional acknowledgements you may thank your:
Sponsors of your research.
Sponsors of your research.
The people or organization who proofread your research.
The research groups and the lab assistance.
Professional colleagues.
Personal Thesis Acknowledgement:
While giving personal acknowledgments, you may thank your:
People who play an inspiration role in your life
Personal contacts who played an important role in your research.
The discussed people or entities are not the limit of your acknowledgment. The list may carry more and
more sources depending on your requirements.
How to write acknowledgements?
When writing an acknowledgment, certain things should be taken care of:
List as many contributors as you want:
Thank your teachers:
Acknowledge all the financial aids:
Acknowledging the emotional support.
Thank your teachers:
Your first paragraph should be about acknowledging your teachers as if it hasn’t been for your teachers, you wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to write your thesis and won’t be even able to complete it
List as many contributors as you want:
Once you are done with acknowledging the efforts of your professors, then you can add a further list of all the contributors who have helped you in your research. Don’t shy away to thank all the important contributors to your research.
Acknowledge all the financial aids:
While writing a thesis, the most expensive process is to gather data as it requires you to conduct further research topic and go to the whole nine yards to get your hypothesis approved. So, you rightfully must mention all the financial aids you have got to complete your research.
Thesis Acknowledgement the emotional support:
Writing a thesis can emotionally drain you. So, there are high chances that you would require emotional support to keep you going. It would be highly professional if you acknowledge all those people who helped you emotionally as well.
Additional hacks for writing an acknowledgement:
Writing an acknowledgment follows the general writing style, however, it still has a few tips and tricks that make it a thesis acknowledgment
While writing an acknowledgment, you must have a thankful tone.
Say thank you without any discrimination. Every help matters.
Acknowledge all the deserving people.
Learn some words of gratitude like; sincerest, heartiest thanks to, with due appreciation, etc.
Don’t try to write under the “me” approach. Have a “we” approach while writing an acknowledgment.
Where should my acknowledgement go?
Acknowledgments always come at the beginning of your thesis. It is the first thing that the reader reads after the title page of a thesis. Acknowledgments and abstracts do not appear in the table of content as they both come before that.
Example of a thesis acknowledgement:
Special Thanks to Professor Dr. John
The completion of this study wouldn’t have been possible without the sheer support of my professor Dr. John Willy who has guided me in every step. I am thankful for this opportunity given by him. I would also like to say thanks to the faculty member of the social sciences department of the University of Stanford, USA, whose valuable knowledge and expertise helped me to cope-up with a tough topic as “Feminism and its modern dilemmas”.
Research Question for Thesis Aknowledgement
I further want to present a huge amount of gratitude to my class fellows who helped me with their knowledge to formulate my research questions. I would like to offer my special thanks to the XYZ publication house for finding my doctoral thesis worthy of investment.
Accurate Research
Furthermore, I want to acknowledge the contribution of the ABC organization for funding my research project, or else I would not have made this far in my research.
Your organization provided me with the most valuable asset of all time.
Emotional Support
Last but not the least, I want to present my dearest gratitude for always being my emotional support and teaching me to face every hurdle with intelligence and confidence.
Dos and don’ts of acknowledgements:
Dos | Don’ts |
Be grateful for every little help. | Don’t be rude while acknowledging. |
Keep the sentences short and precise. | Don’t start telling a story. |
Play a fair game while saying thank you. | Do not discriminate while saying thank you. |
Always have a WE approach. | Do not have a ME approach. |
That’s all folks!
You have reached the bottom of the acknowledgment well. With such a complete and efficient guide, anyone can ace in writing the best thesis acknowledgment. Chant these tips until they are at your fingertips. Good luck!

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